Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A few minutes to lift up Haiti

I hate to advertise misery, but what do you do when your news feed is filled with posts like these coming from those who are in the eye of the storm or those whose hearts ache for them?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump's 1995 Tax Returns

If I exploit tax loopholes legally to avoid paying any tax, and have a large business exposure going on, should I be setting fiscal policy? Even if (due to Anti-Money Laundering regulation) I move my assets into a trust entity entrusted to my family, while I'm holding public office, should I be given the keys to the kingdom which could release or bind tax revenue? In other words, is it fair to expect a fox to guard the chicken coop? That this is our choice and some of us may not have made up our minds is significant. It holds up a mirror to ourselves.